Guardianship & Adoption Law & The Best Lawyers in Pakistan

Guardianship & Adoption in Pakistan

Lawyers Group for Adoptions and Guardianships for Children

Providing Legal Services for Child Adoption and Guardianship


Our group of lawyers also specializes in adoption and guardianship for children. We provide legal services to people from the USA, UK, and Canada who want to adopt Pakistani children. We provide online and offline legal services to people seeking adoption and guardianship. Our services provide the right direction, opportunities, and cost-effective solutions. Adoption & guardianship services are handled by, a one-stop legal office for prospective adoptive parents and guardians. Adoption advice is provided by an experienced lawyer for a prospective family through this platform.

Our lawyer will be responsible for handling all court appearances and paperwork for those cases accepted by a law firm.

We Provide Guardianship Coordinator services to expedite Second Parent Adoptions

We provide services from initial guardianship coordinators to ensure second-parent adoptions happen faster, matching permanent homes for waiting for children sooner. Our goal is to create better families for children in orphanages by making the legal document signing process easier and faster. As part of our mission, we believe that each child deserves a family, and we are able to provide help to many children without families or those who cannot take care of them anymore.

Security and Love are Provided to a Child through Adoption

You will be the Guardian and Legally Responsible for an Adopted Child

Guardianship and Child Adoption from Pakistan is Easy. Your Adopted Child will be Your Responsibility

The adoption process provides children with security, permanence, and love when their biological parents or biological families are unable to provide for them. Upon adopting a child, you will be legally responsible for all parental liabilities. The commitment requires you to stay with the child through good and bad times. Providing a child with the love, stability, and nurturing environment they need through adoption is a great way to help them grow physically and mentally. 

Original parents’ rights and responsibilities are transferred to adoptive parents after adoption. Upon adoption, the child becomes a permanent member of the new family. Parents who adopt a child have all the same rights and responsibilities as biological parents and the adopted child has all the same benefits as a biological child in terms of psychology, socialization, and legal proceedings.

Child Adoption Law in Pakistan

Pakistan Does Not Have An Adoption Law. Guardianship is Allowed.
Adoption & Guardianship of Children is a Great and Appreciated Act.


In Pakistan, adoption is not governed by law. You must hire a lawyer once you decide to adopt from a family or orphanage. The lawyer will file your case with the Family Court for you. There are four or more hearing dates for the legal adoption process, which takes between six and eight weeks. is able to assist our clients who wish to adopt a child from Pakistan and are located overseas not only in obtaining necessary court orders but also in arranging other documentation for the child to move overseas.

If you are adopting a child in Pakistan, you need to be aware of the following rules:

  • It is not possible for an adopted child to inherit from the parents who adopted him/her.
  • A child can be adopted in Islam, but the name of his or her parents cannot be changed, but guardianship can be changed.
  • The adoption of Muslim minors by non-Muslims is prohibited, as is the adoption of Christians and other religious minors. 
  • Execution of the adoption & guardianship deed is mandatory.
  • Adopting parents acquire the right to maintain the child after the child is adopted.
  • Guardianship court approval is required for minors to travel abroad.
Guardianship Law

Process of Adopting a Child:

An adoption report and a medical report, called Form ICA, must be submitted by the adoptive parents:


  • The child’s name
  • Birthdate of the child
  • Date and place of birth
  • Using the Family Court to adopt.
  • Parent’s names and addresses
  • The marriage certificate must be a copy of the marriage certificate in order for a couple to qualify. 
  • For prospective adoptive parents, the minimum age is 25.
  • Parents must be able to afford to raise a child.
  • A Pakistani NICOP or CNIC is required for at least one parent.

The following Two Methods can be Used to Adopt a Child:

1) Getting it from the child’s parents or from an orphanage

If you receive a declaration decree in your favor, you may begin the process of obtaining a Guardian Certificate and Travel Permit from the Guardian Court to adopt a child directly from your parents. 

2) Sindh Child Protection Authority or Child Protection and Welfare Bureau

Adoption can be arranged through the Department of Child Protection and Welfare, in Punjab Province or Sindh Child Protection Authority, or a Guardian Court. An infant cannot be taken to an unrecognized center in Pakistani adoption procedures. In places where procedures are handled, such as child protection centers or centers that are recognized must be used. After that, you need to convince him that you are a couple qualified to adopt a child in Pakistan by continuing to make your case.

Your application must be based on a complete file prepared by a Pakistani lawyer, which includes the gender and age of the child you wish to adopt. 

Adopters are also required to provide personal information, such as age, religion, income, and occupation. Adoption through unapproved centers is not permitted in Pakistan. There are only a few government-approved centers in Pakistan where it is possible to adopt children. Edhi, SOS Village, and other approved centers offer this service. You will only receive a certificate of adoption from your lawyer after the entire adoption process has been completed in Pakistan.

The Guardians and Wards Act of 1890:

A major contributor to Asian law on guardianship and custody is the Guardians and Wards Act, of 1890. 

Guardian courts consider the welfare of minors first when awarding custody of minors to parents or, more traditionally, grandparents or relatives. The law allows custody of youngsters to be granted. Typically, three parties are involved in a guardianship or custody proceeding in an exceptional family court: 

  • Parental protection.
  • Parenting without protection.
  • There is a minor. 

There are two types of parental rights outlined in Sections 17 and 25 of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 regarding custody. Typically, a mother’s custody of minors is referred to as “Hizanat”, while a father’s custody is referred to as “Wilayat”.

Asian countries are generally credited with establishing guardianship and custody law through the Guardians and Wards Act, of 1890.

Guardianship Law
Child Custody & Adoption is Something We Can Help with at can help you with child adoption and guardianship matters.

Children adoption and guardianship lawyers group and legal service provider. Providing adoption and guardianship legal services online, we provide a one-stop shop for legal services related to child adoption and guardianship. It has been more than three decades since we have provided legal services to our clients with experienced legal professionals and excellent customer service. Families across the country have relied on us for help with divorce, child custody, adoption, child maintenance, and guardianship issues.

We provide high-quality advice and representation to our clients. We have experience in handling all types of cases, including:

The law deals with family issues such as divorce, child custody, guardianship, dowry return, dowry money recovery, succession certificates, family property disputes, illegal possession, etc.

As one of Pakistan’s leading law firms, provides legal assistance with Child Custody and Adoption, among other legal services. In addition to divorce/khula, financial law, criminal proceedings, and civil litigation, the firm offers professional legal advice on all family matters. Your legal questions can be emailed to

or left in a comment. 

We can be reached at 0331-6644789.